"The Church Has Left the Building" - GUEST Richard Greene | SUN 07-24-22
"The Church Has Left the Building" - GUEST Richard Greene | SUN 07-24-22
Richard Greene is the founder and president of the Keystone Project, a mission ministry which trains leaders from around the world. The focus of his training and mission is the launching of movements of disciples making disciples among unreached people groups.
Richard pastored churches in Maine, Connecticut, and Florida. He and his wife Margaret began their missionary career in 1998, serving the Lord in Africa for five years. He developed the training program which became the Keystone Project on the ground in the nations, having trained thousands of leaders from over 100 countries.
Richard is now based in Keystone, South Dakota where he lives with his wife and nine children, many of whom are now grown and serving on staff with the Keystone Project. He continues to lead the Keystone Project, traveling to many nations, training and coaching leaders and churches to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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